2023-24 General Influenza Vaccine Return Instructions


Download Instructions

Sign in to MyFluVaccine

  1. Go to OrderMyFlu.MyFluVaccine.com, click Login
  2. 2. Enter your Email Address and Password
  3. Click the Login button

Select FFF Accounts

  1. Click the "My Accounts" box, select the account you need to create a return for
    • Click on the Change Account dropdown
    • Click on the account, then click Apply

Return Goods Authorization (RGA) Requests

New Returns

  1. To create a new return, click the "Return season is currently open" box on the home page
  2. Verify Contact Information
    • Click the pencil icon if changes need to be made to the Name, phone, email, or PO#
  3. You will see a list of the products that are available for return
  4. Manufacturer Product Returns Begin Returns End
    AstraZeneca FluMist® Quad 04/08/2024 05/31/2024
    GlaxoSmithKline FluLaval® Quad, Fluarix® Quad 04/08/2024 05/31/2024
    Seqirus Afluria® Quad, Fluad® Quad, Flucelvax® Quad 04/08/2024 05/31/2024
    Sanofi Fluzone® HD Quad, Fluzone® Quad, Flublok® Quad 04/08/2024 05/31/2024
  5. Click the box to add a product
    • Enter the Batch/Lot#
    • Enter the Quantity
    • Click Add to Request, line will be added to your cart
  6. Repeat step 4 if you need to submit additional lines
  7. When all lines have been entered, click Submit Request
  8. The RGA details page will display your RGA# and Return Summary
  9. Within 24 hours, you will receive an email with your RGA and return instructions
    1. Follow the instructions to ensure the proper return of your product to FFF Enterprises

RGA Status

  1. From the main screen click the "Order History" box
  2. Click Returns
  3. This page will display all RGAs requests along with the status
  4. To view details on an existing RGA, click View

Need Help?

Our Wow Customer Care Team is available to answer your flu return questions.

Please email mfvcustomercare@fffenterprises.com or call (800) 843-7477 for assistance.