FFF's Controlled Volume Measures™ Ensure Protected Volumes Are Distributed

October 16, 2024

Due to the recent hurricanes affecting the Southeast, we are allocating our albumin supply to meet the needs of our clinicians and their most precious patients.

We want to reassure you that we are appropriately managing product allocations through our Controlled Volume Measures™ (CVMs) * methodology, which allows us to ensure equitable product distribution based on historical usage to minimize disruption to patient care.

If you need additional information regarding your Controlled Volume Measures™ allocations, please contact your FFF Sales Representative at (800) 843-7477. We are here to support you if you have additional albumin needs.

Our thoughts and support are with those impacted by these natural disasters.

Your partner in Helping Healthcare Care®.

*Controlled Volume Measures™ - Based on average usage with available supply. In times of market shortage or product supply constraints, FFF has the ability and flexibility to manage products through controlled volume measures. This is accomplished thru: 1) collaboration with our manufacturing partners, and 2) ongoing adjustments of porting and shifting underutilized product within the field. The ultimate goal is to ensure availability of product with minimal disruption to the end patients.