The Final Four: 2018-19 Flu Strains

March 30, 2018

March Madness NCAA Tournament finals are down to the wire. Who will win? Kansas, Villanova, Michigan or Loyola-Chicago? While the NCAA Tournament has had its fair share of surprises (did Sister Jean Schmidt's blessing help bring No. 11 Loyola-Chicago this far?), the upcoming 2018-2019 season has surprised us with a couple of its own.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released their recommendations for the upcoming season, which includes two new strains for the 2018-2019 northern hemisphere.

2018-2019 Final Four

WHO recommends that quadrivalent vaccines for use in the 2018-2019 northern hemisphere influenza season contain the above strains. The influenza B virus component of trivalent vaccines for use in the 2018-2019 northern hemisphere influenza season will be the NEW B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus of the B/Victoria/2/87-lineage.

Will the 2018-2019 flu strains grab the defensive rebound after the 2017-2018 flu vaccine missed its mark with only 36 percent effectiveness, according to a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration "says it wants to make the 2018-19 flu shot more successful than the previous year's."

Discounted FluMist pricing for orders placed by May 31st

We are now taking orders for 2018-19 FluMist Quadrivalent. Customers who place their orders by May 31, 2018 will receive a 2% discount, which is currently reflected on Pricing for orders placed after June 1, 2018 will increase by 2%.

2018-2019 Flu Vaccines Book Now!

Flu Vaccine Availability
FluMist Quad 0.2 mL Sprayer BOOK NOW
Fluad 0.5 mL PFS BOOK NOW
Afluria Quad 5 mL MDV BOOK NOW
Afluria Quad 0.5 mL PFS BOOK NOW
Flucelvax Quad 5 mL MDV BOOK NOW
Flucelvax Quad 0.5 mL PFS BOOK NOW
Fluzone High-Dose 0.5 mL PFS BOOK NOW
Fluzone Quad 5 mL MDV BOOK NOW
Fluzone Quad 0.25 mL PFS BOOK NOW
Fluzone Quad 0.5 mL PFS BOOK NOW
Fluzone Quad 0.5 mL SDV BOOK NOW
Flublok Quad 0.5 mL PFS BOOK NOW
FluLaval Quad 5 mL MDV BOOK NOW
FluLaval Quad 0.5 mL PFS BOOK NOW
Fluarix Quad 0.5 mL PFS BOOK NOW
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